One single change…
May 01, 2024
We love giving tips to help medical practices thrive with Genie software. So, what is the one single change we could make to our processes which would increase income, decrease expenses, improve efficiencies, and decrease rejections?
This is the most exciting question I have been asked in 21 years as a software trainer of Genie software and here is the answer.
Choose the correct CATEGORY in the Genie Address Book.
Now, I can feel your disbelief but read on.
The CATEGORY determines the duration of the referral.
When the CATEGORY is blank, Genie allocates a 12-month duration to the referral by default. This is the beginning of your problems.
If the referrer is a specialist, the referral expires in 3 months but your records show it as valid, so it may be another 9 months before you or your staff are alerted.
Consider the following scenarios
- Your patient is bulk-billed: If “Referral expired” exception messages are dismissed without investigating further, you may see a patient for a year without getting paid.
- Your patient pays the account in full: The patient will not receive the Medicare rebate. They may not contact you to alert you to the problem.
Will this discourage patients to use your services?
How will this impact your surgical billing?
Now consider this scenario:
- Every referring doctor in your address book has the correct Category
- Correct durations are allocated when referrals are added to the patient record
- The ‘Check Forward Referrals’ report is run each week to show each appointment in the selected date range that needs a new referral
- Use the ‘Show in Patient List’ option to send an SMS reminder to the patient to obtain a referral from their GP
- Invoices transmit with accurate details
- Rebates are paid correctly
- Bulk bill amounts pay to the Provider without error
- Fully paid patient claims rebates pay to the patient without error
- As a result, your staff have more time, and less stress
- The practice sees an increase of income, a decrease of expenses, an improvement of efficiencies, and a significant decrease in rejections and exceptions.
Have you enjoyed this simple tip? This is only one of the changes that Practice Management Plus can implement with Genie software at your practice. Contact us to learn how we can help you move from survive to thrive.
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